Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts
5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

Aliens, Bigfoot, angels, demons, gnomes, and goblins are all supposed humanoid creatures known to common mythology. Some people say that the...
Top 10 Mysterious Creatures On Tape

Top 10 Mysterious Creatures On Tape

For those who love mysteries here are Top 10 Mysterious Creatures On Tape including Fairy's, Aliens, angels, demons, ghosts, and Bigfoot...
5 Mysterious Creatures Claimed to be Caught on Google Maps - Dark5

5 Mysterious Creatures Claimed to be Caught on Google Maps - Dark5

Aliens, angels, demons, ghosts, and Bigfoot... Dark5 presents 5 creepy and mysterious unexplained creatures caught on Google Street View. an...