Showing posts with label Area 51. Show all posts
10 Reasons Why Aliens Exist Here On Earth

10 Reasons Why Aliens Exist Here On Earth

From everything at Area 51 to Pyramids all over the globe, we bring you the 10 Reasons Why Aliens Could Exist. What do you think? and check ...
5 Most Mysterious & Highly Forbidden Places On The Planet

5 Most Mysterious & Highly Forbidden Places On The Planet

Most of us have probably heard of places such as Area 51, the very secretive base in the Nevada desert, but there are a surprising amount of...
Area 51 And The Illuminati

Area 51 And The Illuminati

The Fortean Slip looks at the movie Area 51 and talks about the Illuminati. They also discuss Bigfoot research in Pennsylvania, a man abduct...
5 Eeriest Broadcast Interruptions In History

5 Eeriest Broadcast Interruptions In History

A broadcast interruption or intrusion is basically the act of hacking into a radio or TV station and hijacking it with a message. It may see...
Top 15 DISTURBING Area 51 Secrets

Top 15 DISTURBING Area 51 Secrets

Area 51 has been shrouded always been shrouded in mystery. Does the secret base harbor aliens or alien craft? Here is a look at fifteen dist...
Area 51 Surrounding Land Being Taken By The Government?

Area 51 Surrounding Land Being Taken By The Government?

The land surrounding the infamous Area 51 is going to be taken by the government if the landowners don't accept their last best deal. Th...
Top 10 Places You Aren't Allowed To Visit

Top 10 Places You Aren't Allowed To Visit

Find out where the worlds highest security locations are. Many are top secret.
Area 51, The Illuminati And Astronaut Claims Aliens Stopped Nuclear War

Area 51, The Illuminati And Astronaut Claims Aliens Stopped Nuclear War

The Fortean Slip 86 The Steaming Pile Of Steve Alcorn Episode. This week Chris and the fellas talk about the movie Area 51 and the Illuminat...
15 Creepy Facts You Didn't Know About Area 51

15 Creepy Facts You Didn't Know About Area 51

From the illegal dumping of toxic waste to financial cutbacks, here are fifteen facts you didn’t know about the elusive Area 51.