Showing posts with label Argentina. Show all posts

Haunted Balloon caught floating around Children's Hospital (video)

This orange balloon has spooked staff members at a hospital by hovering inches from the floor and seeming to follow them around the buildi...

Mothman Caught On Camera In Argentina? (Breakdown)

This image has been being toted around as the mothman caught on camera in Argentina. Well Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look to give u...

Policewoman claims ghost scratched her face

Maria Fernanda was on midnight guard duty when she claims to have heard a scratching sound coming from one of the lecture rooms. When sh...

Unknown Entity Terrorizes Neighborhood in Argentina

ARGENTINA . In the city of La Banda, pronvíncia San Tiago del Estero, a strange "entity" is disturbing the neighborhood of Villa...

Argentinians traveling Route 5 warned of “time anomalies”

Apparently several people traveling along Argentina's Route 5 have experienced the classic "missing time" scenario that many U...