Showing posts with label Betty and Barney Hill. Show all posts

Sea Serpents And Underwater Cryptids

The Fortean Slip Episode 139 This week Chris and Steve talk about Scientology, Underwater Cryptids, evolution and a bunch of other topics. T...

5 Unsolved Mysteries That Cannot Be Explained

These unsolved mysteries have puzzled people for many years. The world is very big and it's no secret that it's full of mysteries, s...

10 Disturbing Alien Abductions

Are we alone in the Universe? These people certainly believe that we aren’t. Alltime 10s brings you 10 of the creepiest, spine-chilling tale...

5 Terrifying Cases Of Alien Abduction

From the 1976 Camping Abduction to the Frederick Valentich UFO Abduction, here is a look at five of the most terrifying cases of alien abduc...

5 Terrifying Cases Of Alien Abduction

From the Policeman Philip Spencer abduction to The Abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker here are five terrifying cases of alien ab...

Alien Abductions And Time Travel, Are They Related?

The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 45 Today Chris and Fred talk about alien abductions and whether or not there is a connection with time travel. T...

Top 10 Signs of Alien Life

Are we alone in the Universe? AllTime 10s investigate the top 10 signs of alien life within our very own solar system and beyond. The video ...

20 Most Mysterious UFO Sightings Of All Time

From the Edwards Air Force base sighting to the Roswell incident. Here are 20 of the most mysterious UFO sightings of all time.

5 Terrifying Cases Of Alien Abduction

From the Betty and Barney Hill abduction to the abduction of Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker we look at 5 cases of alien abduction.