Showing posts with label Caught. Show all posts
Real Mermaid Caught On Tape - Breakdown

Real Mermaid Caught On Tape - Breakdown

Does the video this image comes from show a real mermaid caught on tape in the Northeastern United States? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown take...
Possessed Maid Caught On CCTV (commentary)

Possessed Maid Caught On CCTV (commentary)

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this possessed maid caught on CCTV video and gives us his thoughts. Leave a comment and let us ...
Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot (Surprising Update!!) - Breakdown

Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot (Surprising Update!!) - Breakdown

NvTv had posted a video of a supposed Bigfoot caught on camera by a drone. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown had taken a look at the video, but n...
City on Mars - Breakdown

City on Mars - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this image from the rover on Mars that seems to show ruins of a city and gives us his thoughts....
New Photo Of The Jersey Devil - Breakdown

New Photo Of The Jersey Devil - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this image of the supposed Jersey Devil and gives us his thoughts. Leave a comment and let us k...
Real Ghost Attack Caught On CCTV - Breakdown

Real Ghost Attack Caught On CCTV - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage of a ghost attack caught on CCTV and gives us his thoughts. Leave a comment and le...
Bigfoot Caught On GoPro Attached To Dog - Breakdown

Bigfoot Caught On GoPro Attached To Dog - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown looks at this piece of footage of a supposed Bigfoot caught on a GoPro camera attached to a dog and gives us hi...
10 CREEPY Ghost Sightings Caught on Tape

10 CREEPY Ghost Sightings Caught on Tape

In this top 10 list, Youtuber Chills looks at some of the creepiest ghost sightings ever caught on tape. Surrounded in mystery, these ghost ...
Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

Youtuber Top15s takes a look at fifteen of the most convincing Bigfoot sightings caught on tape. Leave a comment and let us know what you th...
Are these pictures PROOF that fairies exist?

Are these pictures PROOF that fairies exist?

Photographer on country stroll captures images of what appear to be tiny flying creatures with arms, legs and wings. Photographer John Rutle...
5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape

5 Car Teleportations Caught on Tape

From cars disappearing to cars appearing out of nowhere, this video takes a look at the top 5 car teleportations that have been caught on ta...
5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

From an unexplained creature spotted at the Japanese 2011 Tsunami, to the legendary cryptic iceland water creature that was beleived to have...
5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

From footage of Bigfoot in Vietnam to other Sasquatch sightings from around the world, in this video ApexTV takes a look at the top 5 Bigfoo...
5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

Aliens, Bigfoot, angels, demons, gnomes, and goblins are all supposed humanoid creatures known to common mythology. Some people say that the...
5 Nightmarish Videos of Ghost Caught On CCTV Camera

5 Nightmarish Videos of Ghost Caught On CCTV Camera

Mysterious 5 takes a look at five nightmarish videos of ghosts caught on CCTV camera. What do you think? and check this out...
The Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery - Breakdown

The Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery - Breakdown

Phil Poling takes a look at the 'Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery' and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and check this out. ...
10 Ghosts Caught on Tape - Real Ghost Sightings Caught on Camera

10 Ghosts Caught on Tape - Real Ghost Sightings Caught on Camera

From poltergeists to ghosts supposedly moving objects in real life, this video takes a look at the top 10 ghosts that have been caught on ta...
5 Extremely Strange & Creepy Paranormal Photographs

5 Extremely Strange & Creepy Paranormal Photographs

Top5s takes a look at five extremely strange and creepy paranormal photographs. Are ghosts real? Check it out and decide for yourself. and c...
Mysterious Creatures and Events Recorded on Video

Mysterious Creatures and Events Recorded on Video

Every once in a while we hear about some weird creature that was seen or caught somewhere in the world: a fisherman almost caught by chance ...
Latest Post Of A Bigfoot In Southern Oregon - Commentary

Latest Post Of A Bigfoot In Southern Oregon - Commentary

Parabreakdown is at it again. This time he checks out this photo of a Bigfoot from Southern Oregon. What do you think? and check this out. T...