Showing posts with label Disc. Show all posts
US Navy Pilots filmed disc shaped UFO Over Pacific Ocean - Solved

US Navy Pilots filmed disc shaped UFO Over Pacific Ocean - Solved

This video of a UFO filmed by Navy pilots has been circling the internet. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look and got to the bottom of ...
3000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS? (Breakdown)

3000 Mile Wide Disc Caught By ISS? (Breakdown)

This image has resurfaced on the internet of a supposed UFO caught by the International Space Station. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a l...
Massive UFO Disc Caught Over India (Breakdown)

Massive UFO Disc Caught Over India (Breakdown)

These images of a UFO over India have been making their way across the intertubes. Now Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this and...