Showing posts with label Disturbing. Show all posts
5 Disturbing Phantom Hitchhiker Horror Stories

5 Disturbing Phantom Hitchhiker Horror Stories

True horror stories from creepy phantom hitchhiker encounters... What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
10 Disturbing Alien Abductions

10 Disturbing Alien Abductions

Are we alone in the Universe? These people certainly believe that we aren’t. Alltime 10s brings you 10 of the creepiest, spine-chilling tale...
5 Most Disturbing & Scary Disney Secrets / Urban Legends That Will Scare The Hell Out Of You!

5 Most Disturbing & Scary Disney Secrets / Urban Legends That Will Scare The Hell Out Of You!

Disney has created some of the most famous children's cartoons and movies throughout the years and helped to spread happiness around the...
5 Creepy Photos With Disturbing Backstories

5 Creepy Photos With Disturbing Backstories

The Top 5 creepy photos with disturbing backstories. Pictures that are scary, disturbing, creepy, or all 3 combined! What do you think? and ...
5 Disturbing Possesed Dolls Caught On Camera

5 Disturbing Possesed Dolls Caught On Camera

These are the 5 Disturbing POSSESSED DOLLS Caught On Camera …What do you think? and check this out...
5 Most Disturbing Things that have Happened in Schools

5 Most Disturbing Things that have Happened in Schools

Schools are the places we send our kids to be taught and to also be safe, but what happens when things go awry? Check out these five stories...
10 Disturbing Alien Encounters

10 Disturbing Alien Encounters

People the world over claim to have had encounters with strange beings from other worlds. Who or what are they encountering? Note: These sto...
5 Creepiest And Most Disturbing Real Found Footage / Lost Tapes Ever To Be Found!

5 Creepiest And Most Disturbing Real Found Footage / Lost Tapes Ever To Be Found!

There are many popular and scary found tapes horror movies out there such as Paranormal activity. But they are just movies and though they m...
5 DISTURBING Religious CULT Rituals!

5 DISTURBING Religious CULT Rituals!

From Jim Jones and the People's Temple to the Heaven's Gate cult, here are 5 disturbing cult rituals. and check this out...
Disturbing Things Found in the Earth | SERIOUSLY STRANGE

Disturbing Things Found in the Earth | SERIOUSLY STRANGE

There's no telling what you might find if you dig deep enough. Or if you ever wanted to find it at all. and check this out...
10 Chilling Photos With Disturbing Backstories

10 Chilling Photos With Disturbing Backstories

A picture's worth a thousand words. Those words may give you nightmares. and check this out...
10 Most Disturbing Creepypastas Ever

10 Most Disturbing Creepypastas Ever

A creepypasta is basically the modern version of telling scary ghost stories around a campfire, only instead of campfires people now use for...
Top 5 Scary Urban Legends

Top 5 Scary Urban Legends

Urban legends can be mundane and silly, but there is a dark side to urban legends. Here are five scary urban legends. Hope you enjoy. and ch...