Showing posts with label Egypt. Show all posts
10 Most Bizarre Ancient Egypt Discoveries

10 Most Bizarre Ancient Egypt Discoveries

There are things in Egypt that have been hidden for years and have recently been unearthed like temples, lost cities and alien daggers! What...
10 Secrets Of Ancient Egypt

10 Secrets Of Ancient Egypt

From who built the pyramids, to what happened to Tutankhamun, AllTime10s brings you, the 10 secrets of Ancient Egypt. What do you think? and...
7 Biggest Mysteries of Ancient Egypt that We Can't Figure Out

7 Biggest Mysteries of Ancient Egypt that We Can't Figure Out

From strange heat scans of the pyramids to a 4th pyramid to...what did the ancient Egyptians even look like?... and check this out. THIS WEB...
Is This A Space Ship In Egypt?

Is This A Space Ship In Egypt?

This image supposedly found on google earth has been circulating around the intertubes. Phil Poling over at Parabreakdown took a look at thi...
25 Crazy Things You Might Not Know About Ancient Egypt

25 Crazy Things You Might Not Know About Ancient Egypt

When you think about ancient Egypt, what comes to mind? Pyramids, pharaohs, cats maybe? You probably have at least a passing knowledge of wh...
8 BIGGEST Mysteries of the Pyramids You've Never Heard Of

8 BIGGEST Mysteries of the Pyramids You've Never Heard Of

8 BIGGEST Little-Known Unsolved Mysteries of the'll be quite surprised at what you find.
Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids

Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids

With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost p...