Showing posts with label Fake. Show all posts
5 Strangest Fake and Abandoned Cities

5 Strangest Fake and Abandoned Cities

5 strange fake cities designed to be invaded, blown up, or just to play pretend. Including China's fake Paris ghost city, a Mars colony ...
The Long Island Medium Called Out As A Fraud (video)

The Long Island Medium Called Out As A Fraud (video)

On her hit reality show,  Theresa Caputo charms fans with her big blond bob and even bigger, bubbly personality— but she truly captivates ...
Syfy's "Ghost Mine" star says all Syfy paranormal shows are 100% entertainment.

Syfy's "Ghost Mine" star says all Syfy paranormal shows are 100% entertainment.

Ghost Mine's Patrick Doyle and Kristen Luman By: Nannette Richford , Bangor Pop Culture Examiner   An anonymous email from a r...
Pennsylvania man hires Hitman to kill TV "Psychics"

Pennsylvania man hires Hitman to kill TV "Psychics"

James Van Praagh, cough, cough,"psychic" Craven Vaughn sat beside the hitman in a car parked Thursday outside Wal-Mart on Route 29...