Showing posts with label Filmed. Show all posts
Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot (Surprising Update!!) - Breakdown

Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot (Surprising Update!!) - Breakdown

NvTv had posted a video of a supposed Bigfoot caught on camera by a drone. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown had taken a look at the video, but n...
Mother Bigfoot Filmed Carrying Her Baby

Mother Bigfoot Filmed Carrying Her Baby

Did someone catch a mother Bigfoot carrying her child? Check out this footage uploaded to youtube. What do you think? and check this out. TH...
Bigfoot Footage From Wildhorse Lake - Breakdown

Bigfoot Footage From Wildhorse Lake - Breakdown

Analysis of footage from WIldhorse lake Oregon claiming to show Bigfoot. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
Close encounter!! Real Bigfoot Filmed!! Breakdown

Close encounter!! Real Bigfoot Filmed!! Breakdown

"This footage was filmed in 2012 by High school students while doing some research project for school out in the woods...As they were c...
Skunk Ape Filmed In Florida Watershed - Breakdown

Skunk Ape Filmed In Florida Watershed - Breakdown

Bigfoot researcher Tim Fasano posted this video of a supposed skunk ape. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look at this footage and gave u...
US Navy Pilots filmed disc shaped UFO Over Pacific Ocean - Solved

US Navy Pilots filmed disc shaped UFO Over Pacific Ocean - Solved

This video of a UFO filmed by Navy pilots has been circling the internet. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown took a look and got to the bottom of ...