Showing posts with label Fortean. Show all posts
Dogman Grabs Cooler Off Of Moving ATV - Real Encounter

Dogman Grabs Cooler Off Of Moving ATV - Real Encounter

This week Chris and Steve are joined once again by Matt Knapp to talk all things dogman. Matt relays a sighting report of a dogman grabbing ...
8 Year Old Boy Remembers Past Life As A Fighter Pilot

8 Year Old Boy Remembers Past Life As A Fighter Pilot

The Fortean Slip British Invasion 9 In this episode Chris and Richard talk about reincarnation and remembering past lives. THIS WEBCAST IS U...
The Return Of The Lizard Man

The Return Of The Lizard Man

Chris and Steve talk about the newest sightings of the Lizard Man. They also discuss new bigfoot footage out of Bluff Creek, a cloaked figur...
Time Traveler Al Bielek's Trip To The Year 2137

Time Traveler Al Bielek's Trip To The Year 2137

The Man From The Future Episode. This week Chris and Steve look at Al Bielek, the man who claims to have traveled to the year 2137. They als...
JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories, Goatmen And UFOs

JFK Assassination Conspiracy Theories, Goatmen And UFOs

The Fortean Slip 112 The I Shot The Sheriff But I Didn't Shoot The Kennedy Episode. This week Chris and Steve go into JFK assassination ...
Time Traveler From 2036 John Titor

Time Traveler From 2036 John Titor

Chris and Steve talk about new theories about the identity of John Titor a supposed Time Traveler from the year 2036. They also discuss chim...
Who Was The Man From Taured?

Who Was The Man From Taured?

Who was the man from Taured, and was he really from an alternate reality? The Fortean Slip looks at this mysterious man who vanished without...
Time Traveler Returns From 2137 To Tell Us About The Future

Time Traveler Returns From 2137 To Tell Us About The Future

This week Chris and Steve look at Al Bielek, the man who claims to have traveled to the year 2137. They also talk about a new home for bigfo...
Was The Enfield Haunting A Hoax?

Was The Enfield Haunting A Hoax?

In this episode Chris and Richard look at the Enfield Haunting. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED. and check out this episode...
Did A Psychic Vision Point To A Killer?

Did A Psychic Vision Point To A Killer?

The Fortean Slip 101 The Oh Brother Where Art Thou Episode. This week Chris and the fellas discuss why the show has been on hiatus yet again...
Ancient Civilizations, Super-Hybrids And The War On Science

Ancient Civilizations, Super-Hybrids And The War On Science

The Fortean Slip 97 The War On Science Episode. This week Chris is joined by David Batdorf for a special edition of The Fortean Slip. They d...
Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown - The Fortean Strip

Its The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown - The Fortean Strip

This week on the Fortean Strip an ode to a cartoon of my childhood. It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown.
Neanderthals - The Fortean Strip

Neanderthals - The Fortean Strip

This week on the Fortean Strip we take a look at Neanderthal Man.
Kentucky Witnesses See Slow Moving UFO

Kentucky Witnesses See Slow Moving UFO

The Fortean Slip News 89 This week Chris and the fellas talk about a discussion about Killing Bigfoot getting hairy, Oregon's first week...
The Shocking True Story Of Spring Heeled Jack

The Shocking True Story Of Spring Heeled Jack

Spring-heeled Jack is a character in English folklore of the Victorian era who was known for his ability to leap great distances. He suppose...
Spontaneous Human Combustion - The Fortean Strip

Spontaneous Human Combustion - The Fortean Strip

This week on The Fortean Strip we give you spontaneous human combustion.
Star Wars - The Fortean Strip

Star Wars - The Fortean Strip

We've all seen the new Star Wars trailer. Some of us have seen it hundreds of times. However this week on The Fortean Strip, we take on ...
The Fortean Strip - Ghosts

The Fortean Strip - Ghosts

This week on The Fortean Strip........... and check out our news from this week. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
Alien Abductions - The Fortean Strip

Alien Abductions - The Fortean Strip

This week on The Fortean Strip we look at alien abductions. Artist Dred Funn brings these to life. Check out his artwork at  http://dredfunn...
Man Captures Cloud-like UFO Over New Zealand

Man Captures Cloud-like UFO Over New Zealand

The Fortean Slip Episode 84 This week Chris and the fellas talk about the past two years of the show. They also talk about vertical farms co...