Showing posts with label Ghostly. Show all posts
17 Unsettling Ghost Towns

17 Unsettling Ghost Towns

Here are a few of the creepiest abandoned towns. Some are ancient lifeless locations and some are towns with violent pasts. and check this o...
The Entity - Full Documentary

The Entity - Full Documentary

People claim to be attacked by strange ghostly entities. Many of them experiencing the same haggard old woman. What is happening to these pe...
5 Creepiest & Most Convincing Ghost Photographs Ever Taken

5 Creepiest & Most Convincing Ghost Photographs Ever Taken

From the figure of a boy, believed to be haunting the infamous Amityville horror house, which is where Ronald Defeo Jr massacred his entire ...
5 Most Chilling & Scariest Pieces of Paranormal Evidence Ever Documented

5 Most Chilling & Scariest Pieces of Paranormal Evidence Ever Documented

Check out these five creepiest pieces of possible paranormal evidence, from a CCTV video of a believed ghost at a haunted highschool in Idah...
Ghost Of Suicide Maid That Haunts Oklahoma Hotel Makes NBA Player Check Out

Ghost Of Suicide Maid That Haunts Oklahoma Hotel Makes NBA Player Check Out

The Fortean Slip Episode 99 The Return. This week Chris and the fellas talk about why the show has been on leave. They also discuss Bigfoot ...
Who Are The Shadow People?

Who Are The Shadow People?

Shadow people (also known as Shadow men, Shadow folk or Shadow beings) are said to be shadow-like creatures of supernatural origin which app...
Top 10 Real Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera

Top 10 Real Ghost Sightings Caught On Camera

Have you ever seen a ghost moving right in front you or have you ever felt that you are not alone in the room . Videozonly brings you the sp...
5 Most Mysterious Lakes in the World

5 Most Mysterious Lakes in the World

Who hasn't gone swimming and wondered, what lurks beneath? Here is a look at the 5 most mysterious lost, hidden, and haunted lakes on Ea...
Ghosts In Numbers

Ghosts In Numbers

Almost half of Americans believe in them, a third of Brits say they've lived in a house which contains them and they're pretty darn ...
Top 10 Ghost and Undead Comic Book Characters

Top 10 Ghost and Undead Comic Book Characters

The comic book world isn't exempt from characters who go bump in the night. Here is a look at the top 10 ghost and undead comic book cha...
8 Most Terrifying Evil Ghosts From Around the World

8 Most Terrifying Evil Ghosts From Around the World

Halloween is almost here, time for ghosts, monsters, horror movies, and candy. Here are some of the most terrifying ghost stories from aroun...
10 Mysterious and Unexplained Ghost Photos

10 Mysterious and Unexplained Ghost Photos

Here is a look at 10 mysterious and unexplained ghost photos. From ghosts appearing in doors to see your dead grandfather in a picture, thes...
5 Scariest Pieces of Paranormal Footage Ever Recorded

5 Scariest Pieces of Paranormal Footage Ever Recorded

From a believed ghost caught on a CCTV camera at the haunted Dover castle to the unexplained footage of a candle lighting by itself. Here ar...
Top 30 Creepiest Japanese Urban Legends

Top 30 Creepiest Japanese Urban Legends

Cursed poems, cursed flash animations, cursed dreams, cursed mirrors and a whole slew of demons, these are the top 30 creepiest japanese urb...
5 Cases Of Poltergeist Activity Caught On Tape

5 Cases Of Poltergeist Activity Caught On Tape

Here is a look at 5 video clips where alleged poltergeist activity is caught on camera. See what you make of them. and check out this. THIS ...
Top 5 Creepy Ghost Photos

Top 5 Creepy Ghost Photos

Here are five creepy ghost photos. Who knows if they're real or not real? What do you believe? and check out our recent news. THIS WEBCA...
10 Most Haunted Battlefields

10 Most Haunted Battlefields

Few places have seen more horror than the battlefield. So it makes sense that many people assume them to be haunted. From the ghosts of Roma...
10,000 Year Old Stonehenge - Like Monument Found Underwater

10,000 Year Old Stonehenge - Like Monument Found Underwater

The Fortean Slip News 79 This week Chris and Steve talk about a Stonehenge-like structure found in the Sicilian Channel, a haunted puppet an...
Man photographs 'White Knight Ghosts' watching neice playing in park

Man photographs 'White Knight Ghosts' watching neice playing in park

A dad-of-five was left spooked when he spotted two ghostly figures – which he believes are knights – in the back of a photo. Richard Jones ...