Showing posts with label Human. Show all posts
The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History

The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History

The Piri Reis Map is argued to be one of the most advanced written ancient maps that was done prior to the 16th Century. The map somehow rep...
Human Flying Drone - Breakdown

Human Flying Drone - Breakdown

Out of the blue of the Finland skies comes Super Santa and his eight tiny rotary blades. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the Hu...
7 Unexplained Human Conditions

7 Unexplained Human Conditions

From becoming a genius by hitting your head to having your head explode to feeling what you see...these are 7 Unexplained Human Conditions. ...
Neanderthals Were Smarter Than We Thought!

Neanderthals Were Smarter Than We Thought!

Your ancestral history might be a lot more interesting than you think. Here's what makes us human... and part Neanderthal. Check it out....
7 Human Children Who Were Raised By Wild Animals

7 Human Children Who Were Raised By Wild Animals

Maybe the Jungle book is not so strange after all. Here are 7 documented stories of human children being raised by animals. and check this o...
10 Mysterious Extinct Human Species

10 Mysterious Extinct Human Species

We have not always been the only human species around...Here is a look at 10 mysterious extinct human species. and check this out...
5 Future Predictions For The Human Race

5 Future Predictions For The Human Race

Everyone has probably thought about what the future has in store for us humans, and over the years there have been many predictions of what ...
6 Things Your Body Does That Science Still Can't Explain

6 Things Your Body Does That Science Still Can't Explain

Some of the greatest mysteries are not whether ghosts are real or if there's alien life. The mystery is us. Here are some simple things ...
Glendale schoolgirls confess to being flesh-eating, blood drinking witches

Glendale schoolgirls confess to being flesh-eating, blood drinking witches

Your Strange News Portal, My Zimbabwe News, has once again brought to you yet another frightening, stranger than fiction news report. Glend...