Showing posts with label Humanoid. Show all posts
Humanoid Encounters & Ouija Boards | 10 True Paranormal Ghost Horror Stories

Humanoid Encounters & Ouija Boards | 10 True Paranormal Ghost Horror Stories

Lets Read! takes a look at ten true paranormal ghost horror stories including humanoid encounters and ouija boards. Leave a comment and let ...
5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

5 Humanoid Creatures Caught on Tape

Aliens, Bigfoot, angels, demons, gnomes, and goblins are all supposed humanoid creatures known to common mythology. Some people say that the...
Iceman ~ Humanoid Being Or Ghost Climbing Cave Wall

Iceman ~ Humanoid Being Or Ghost Climbing Cave Wall

This video was allegedly shot in a cave in Austria by tourists. The man in the video says it's a ghost or Ice Man. It's definitely h...
Strange Humanoid shadow spotted on the Moon (video)

Strange Humanoid shadow spotted on the Moon (video)

Google Earth map spotted a strange image on the moon in July 2014 that appeared to be a shadow of a very large tower or an alien . The rare ...
'Pulsating winged being' caught on camera (videos)

'Pulsating winged being' caught on camera (videos)

Videos posted on YouTube are fascinating many as they show a mysterious burst of light that some say contains a “humanoid” figure inside. O...