From the 'Dow Hill of Kurseong West Bengal' to the 'Ghost lights', here is a look at five of the creepiest and most haunted ...
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Bigfoot Actual Video In Indian Border - Breakdown
Is this a Bigfoot actual video? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and ...

Massive UFO Disc Caught Over India (Breakdown)
These images of a UFO over India have been making their way across the intertubes. Now Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this and...

India is a country where people in every state and every city can get to hear stories on supernatural powers and ghosts. Sometimes, many of ...
7 Mysterious Urban Legends of India
India has its fair share of stories that may not have a logical explanation but continue to arouse our curiosity to this day. These are si...

India courthouse inverstigation ghostly disturbances (video)
Over the past year, some unusual events have occurred at a courthouse in eastern New Delhi. Books have disappeared, strange noises have b...

Ghost blamed for death of student
BANKURA, 31 AUG: Sensation sparked off leading to pandemonium in Bankura when a ghost was blamed for the death of a girl. Girl students of t...

Five most haunted places in Mumbai ‘the city of dreams’
Mumbai is also known for its many structures that remind us of the colonial past and some structures are said to be sinister or ghostly in ...

Ghost spotted at Bangladesh garment plant, prayers offered
DHAKA (AFP) – Owners of a Bangladesh garment factory were forced to offer prayers and distribute food to the poor on Wednesday ...
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