Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
50,000 Year Old STRANGE 'Super' Life Forms Found Trapped Inside Giant Crystals

50,000 Year Old STRANGE 'Super' Life Forms Found Trapped Inside Giant Crystals

Scientists made a groundbreaking discovery at the Naica Cave by finding 50,000 year old microbes that are trapped inside the giant crystals....
5 Creepypasta Monsters Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

5 Creepypasta Monsters Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

Here's a look at possibly real footage of 5 creatures from the web. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED.
13 Creepiest TRUE Real Life Halloween Stories

13 Creepiest TRUE Real Life Halloween Stories

Halloween is a time when we dress up as ghosts and goblins and tell mythical horror tales. But not every horror story from Halloween is made...
5 Creepy Real Life Corpse Brides

5 Creepy Real Life Corpse Brides

5 gruesome and creepy real life corpse brides brought to "life" by freaky scientists, perverted grave diggers, and unspeakable cri...
10 Real Life Cyborgs

10 Real Life Cyborgs

From the man who has given himself night vision, to the double amputee who has become half robot, AllTime10s introduces you to 10 real life ...
6 "Real Life" Incidents That May Prove Time Travelers Do Exist

6 "Real Life" Incidents That May Prove Time Travelers Do Exist

Is time travel real? Do time travelers already exist? Here are some real life documented cases and stories that seem to suggest time travel ...
The Creepy Real-Life “Men In Black”

The Creepy Real-Life “Men In Black”

In popular culture and UFO conspiracy theories, men in black (MIB) are supposed men in black suits who claim to be government agents and who...
5 UFOs Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

5 UFOs Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

An unidentified flying object, or UFO, in its most general definition, is any apparent anormaly in the sky that is not identifiable as a kno...
5 Extraordinary People With Real Life Super Powers

5 Extraordinary People With Real Life Super Powers

Superhumans and heroes have captured our imagination since the early nineteen hundreds, First in comic books and then movies, But just how f...
5 Strongest Signs Of Aliens & Alien Life

5 Strongest Signs Of Aliens & Alien Life

From CCTV footage of two believed men in black looking for UFO witnessers to the believed sighting of extraterrestrials on the moon and orbi...
5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

From lights shooting out of the ground to monoliths, here is a look at five mysterious photos caught by NASA on Mars. and check this out...
5 Space Discoveries & Mysteries That Could Prove Alien Life Exists

5 Space Discoveries & Mysteries That Could Prove Alien Life Exists

From the mysterious bright spots on a Dwarf Planet to the unexplained dimming of a Star 1500 light years away from earth. Here are five spac...
10 Reasons Why Alien Life Exists

10 Reasons Why Alien Life Exists

Here is a look at ten reasons why alien life exists brought to you by Hybrid Librarian. and check this out...
Cyborg Cockroaches Could Save Your Life

Cyborg Cockroaches Could Save Your Life

Most consider them pesky critters, but Dr. Alper Bozkurt of North Carolina State University thinks that cockroaches have the potential to sa...
5 INSANELY CREEPY Real-Life Stalker Stories!

5 INSANELY CREEPY Real-Life Stalker Stories!

Here is a look a five creepy real life stalker stories. and check out the true story that inspired the movie 'The Strangers'.
Russia Declassified Secret Images From Venus That May Show Extraterrestrial Life?

Russia Declassified Secret Images From Venus That May Show Extraterrestrial Life?

The Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, published a series of photographs, taken by the Venera probe which may show...
5 Mysterious Real Life X Files

5 Mysterious Real Life X Files

From people claiming to live in countries that don’t exist to mysterious ghostly car crashes, here are 5 unexplained real life x-files. and ...
Top 5 Photos of Life on Mars?

Top 5 Photos of Life on Mars?

A fun look at some of the photos from the Curiosity Rover on Mars. Are these pictures proof of life on Mars? Or just tricks of the light? an...
3 People Who Died and Came Back To Life

3 People Who Died and Came Back To Life

Death is one of, if not the most, enigmatic things in the human experience. We have no proof of life after death, and no clue about what hap...
Are We All ALIENS?

Are We All ALIENS?

The birth of life on Earth is one of the greatest puzzles to have faced scientists, but some are starting to question whether it was even bo...