Showing posts with label Magic. Show all posts
5 Videos Of Magic Tricks & Performances Gone Horribly Wrong

5 Videos Of Magic Tricks & Performances Gone Horribly Wrong

To successfully pull off a dangerous magic trick. for example, being buried alive. A lot of planning and rehearsal are needed, Most of the t...
5 Real Books of Magic

5 Real Books of Magic

Do these ancient books and coded ciphers hide the secrets to real magic? Dark 5 looks at five real books of magic. What do you think? and ch...
10 Magicians Who Died While On Stage

10 Magicians Who Died While On Stage

Sometimes magic tricks can go horribly wrong. Here is a look at ten magicians who dies while on stage. and check this out... THIS WEBCAST IS...
Top 10 Comic Book Characters Who Use Magic

Top 10 Comic Book Characters Who Use Magic

Top 10 Comic Book Characters Who Use Magic. Here is a look at all the Characters who not only get their powers from magical sources, but wie...
5 Magic Tricks Gone Horribly Wrong

5 Magic Tricks Gone Horribly Wrong

Dark5tv presents 5 dangerous magical feats and their terrible fails...
What is the Mysterious "Magic Vending Machine" ?

What is the Mysterious "Magic Vending Machine" ?

SCP-261 The Magic Vending Machine My friend Nyq posted on Facebook his curiosity about a mysterious "Magic Vending Machine" in Jap...