Showing posts with label Mars. Show all posts
City on Mars - Breakdown

City on Mars - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this image from the rover on Mars that seems to show ruins of a city and gives us his thoughts....
5 Mysterious Space Diseases that could Kill Astronauts Before They Get to Mars

5 Mysterious Space Diseases that could Kill Astronauts Before They Get to Mars

These 5 mysterious space diseases and syndromes may blind, kill, or incapacitate astronauts before they even have a chance to land on Mars.....
Alien Moon Bases And Ancient Alien Theories

Alien Moon Bases And Ancient Alien Theories

After a stint of talking Bigfoot hoaxes, Chris and the fellas talk about Aliens on the moon, Ancient Aliens and the like. They also discuss ...
6 Mysterious Creatures Caught By NASA On Mars

6 Mysterious Creatures Caught By NASA On Mars

UFO hunters claimed they have found these mysterious creatures caught by NASA on Mars. From a strange women to an alien crab, these 6 Myster...
7 Mars Mysteries

7 Mars Mysteries

From ancient martian oceans to tsunamis to our homeland to strange methane being released everywhere, these are the 7 mysteries of the plane...
5 Strangest & Mysterious Things Caught By NASA On Mars!

5 Strangest & Mysterious Things Caught By NASA On Mars!

From gorillas all he way down to monster crabs , Mars isn’t the barren wasteland you once thought it was. Its actually pretty mysterious pla...
13 Mysterious Photos From Mars

13 Mysterious Photos From Mars

From the 'Woman Walking on Mars' to the pyramid formations seen there, here is a look at thirteen mysterious photos from Mars. What ...
5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

5 Most Mysterious Photos Caught By NASA On Mars

From lights shooting out of the ground to monoliths, here is a look at five mysterious photos caught by NASA on Mars. and check this out...
Ghost Of Suicide Maid That Haunts Oklahoma Hotel Makes NBA Player Check Out

Ghost Of Suicide Maid That Haunts Oklahoma Hotel Makes NBA Player Check Out

The Fortean Slip Episode 99 The Return. This week Chris and the fellas talk about why the show has been on leave. They also discuss Bigfoot ...
Are There Creatures On The Surface Of Mars?

Are There Creatures On The Surface Of Mars?

The Mars Curiosity Rover has been sending back amazing images of the Martian landscape. Some people claim to have found objects and creature...
Is This A Mouse On The Surface Of Mars??!!

Is This A Mouse On The Surface Of Mars??!!

This new image is causing a lot of buzz in the UFO/Alien community. A possible very large mouse or other rodent on Mars in Gale Crater sitti...
13 Mysterious Photos From Mars

13 Mysterious Photos From Mars

The Mars Curiosity Rover is sending back new images all the time from the surface of the 'Red Planet'. Many of these images seem to ...
Is This A Bear Walking On The Surface Of Mars?

Is This A Bear Walking On The Surface Of Mars?

This bear-like animal was discovered by Paranormal Crucible of Youtube. What do you think? Is this a bear walking on the surface of Mars? We...
11 Solar System Mysteries That Science Can't Explain

11 Solar System Mysteries That Science Can't Explain

From one of the biggest mysteries of science, to lunar disappearing acts, here are 11 mysteries about our solar system that science can’t ex...
The 10 Biggest Mysteries of Mars

The 10 Biggest Mysteries of Mars

Here is a look at ten of the biggest unsolved mysteries of Mars. and check out our recent show on the Blood Moon. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED...
Rock Formation On Mars Resembles Buddha

Rock Formation On Mars Resembles Buddha

Here we go again. Ufologists are going crazy over this new picture from the surface of Mars. Is this a statue of the Buddha? Down below is t...
Is This A Valley Of Pyramids On Mars?

Is This A Valley Of Pyramids On Mars?

The images from Mars still causing rampant speculation. The most recent one I have come across is the "Valley of the Pyramids". No...
NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars

NASA Confirms Evidence That Liquid Water Flows on Today’s Mars

NASA has confirmed that there is liquid water flowing on Mars! These dark streaks in the above photo are from flowing water. Check out the f...
Top 5 Evidence for Life on Mars

Top 5 Evidence for Life on Mars

With NASA announcing big findings on Mars today, here is a look at five pieces of evidence to support the idea of life on Mars. and check ou...
Top 5 Photos of Life on Mars?

Top 5 Photos of Life on Mars?

A fun look at some of the photos from the Curiosity Rover on Mars. Are these pictures proof of life on Mars? Or just tricks of the light? an...