Showing posts with label Men in Black. Show all posts
Strange Men In Black Encounters

Strange Men In Black Encounters

Beyond Creepy looks at some strange MIB cases from around the world. What do you think? and check this out...
Men In Black - Government Cover Ups

Men In Black - Government Cover Ups

Men In Black, Are they from another world? Or part of a huge Government Cover Up. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNC...
5 People Whose Lives Were Shrouded in Mystery & Secrecy

5 People Whose Lives Were Shrouded in Mystery & Secrecy

From a possible spy who was found dead surrounded by unusual items, that could have links to the men in black, to a lady who's family ha...
Utah Sasquatch Plans Revealed

Utah Sasquatch Plans Revealed

This week Chris and the fellas respond to criticisms of the previous episode and Utah Sasquatch revealing his plans. They also discuss men i...
The Creepy Real-Life “Men In Black”

The Creepy Real-Life “Men In Black”

In popular culture and UFO conspiracy theories, men in black (MIB) are supposed men in black suits who claim to be government agents and who...
Proof That Men In Black Do Exist - Documentary

Proof That Men In Black Do Exist - Documentary

Do the Men in Black really exist? This documentary takes a look at the Men in Black phenomenon. What do you think? and check this out...
The Henry McKay Confession Tape - Men In Black Encounter

The Henry McKay Confession Tape - Men In Black Encounter

The Henry McKay Confession Tape is an audio cassette tape from 1978 of pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay talking about his experi...
5 Unexplained Mysteries Of The World

5 Unexplained Mysteries Of The World

The world is full of unexplained mysteries, and even though many theories have been put forward to explain them, some still remain unsolved....
5 Terrifying Encounters With The Men In Black

5 Terrifying Encounters With The Men In Black

The MIB are believed to be be government agents or undercover aliens who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they...
The Real Men In Black | Documentary

The Real Men In Black | Documentary

Who are the men in black? Are they real? Why do many UFO & Alien witnesses say they have had encounters with them? and if they are real,...
5 Mysterious Sightings of Real Men in Black - Dark5

5 Mysterious Sightings of Real Men in Black - Dark5

Are they government agents or something more... alien? Often showing up after UFO sightings or extraterrestrial incidents, Dark5tv presents ...
5 Terrifying Encounters With The Men In Black

5 Terrifying Encounters With The Men In Black

The MIB are believed to be be government agents or undercover aliens who harass or threaten UFO witnesses to keep them quiet about what they...
Were REAL "Men in Black" Caught on FIlm ?? (video)

Were REAL "Men in Black" Caught on FIlm ?? (video)

A video on YouTube poses the question: are the "Men In Black" for real? One witness, facing some uncomfortable questions by some s...