Showing posts with label Mysteries. Show all posts
5 STRANGEST Unsolved Internet Mysteries Still Unexplained...

5 STRANGEST Unsolved Internet Mysteries Still Unexplained...

Top 5 Unknowns takes a look at five of the strangest unsolved internet mysteries that are still unexplained. Leave a comment and let us know...
5 Creepy Supernatural Mysteries That Will Shock & Amaze You

5 Creepy Supernatural Mysteries That Will Shock & Amaze You

DorsetGhost Mysteries presents 5 of the creepiest supernatural mysteries, some are unsolved mysteries that will totally shock you. What do y...
5 Unsolved Mysteries of the Victorian Era

5 Unsolved Mysteries of the Victorian Era

Here are the Top 5 Unsolved Mysterious cases that occurred during the Victorian Era. Check it out! and check this out...
5 Most Mysterious Mummified Creatures Ever Found

5 Most Mysterious Mummified Creatures Ever Found

Dark5 looks at 5 photos of the most mysterious and creepy mummified and unidentified creatures ever found... What do you think? and check t...
5 Horrifying Insane Asylum Mysteries

5 Horrifying Insane Asylum Mysteries

Dark 5 presents the 5 most mysterious unsolved insane asylum horrors... What do you think? and check out our show from this week. THIS WEBCA...
5 New Unexplained Space Mysteries in 2016

5 New Unexplained Space Mysteries in 2016

An unidentified object near a SpaceX explosion, a mysterious alien signal hunted by SETI, and more evidence of the hidden Planet 9... Dark5 ...
Top 5 Creepiest Mysteries of the World

Top 5 Creepiest Mysteries of the World

Don't look out your window . . . From real life werewolves to zombie drugs and mysterious deaths, this list will have you awake far past...
7 Creepy Internet Mysteries We Still Don't Understand...

7 Creepy Internet Mysteries We Still Don't Understand...

From a ghostnet that hacks into world governments to internet blackholes to the infamous Cicadia 3301....these are 7 Creepy Internet Mysteri...
Top 7 Unsolved Jungle Mysteries

Top 7 Unsolved Jungle Mysteries

From missing dutch girls to uncontacted tribes to missing millionaires to strange rituals and a city of...giants? These are the top 7 Unsolv...
7 Strangest Historical Mysteries that Will Baffle You

7 Strangest Historical Mysteries that Will Baffle You

From giant unexplained explosions to monuments 10,000-20,000 years old to the idea that Christopher Columbus may never have even existed, th...
7 Biggest Underwater Mysteries We Still Don't Understand

7 Biggest Underwater Mysteries We Still Don't Understand

From an underwater stonehenge to a picture of a mastadon on a rock to magnetic anomolies in a strange lake, these are the 7 biggest underwat...
7 Biggest Mysteries of Ancient Egypt that We Can't Figure Out

7 Biggest Mysteries of Ancient Egypt that We Can't Figure Out

From strange heat scans of the pyramids to a 4th pyramid to...what did the ancient Egyptians even look like?... and check this out. THIS WEB...
8 Biggest Mysteries of the Pyramids You've Never Heard Of

8 Biggest Mysteries of the Pyramids You've Never Heard Of

8 Biggest Little-Known Unsolved Mysteries of the'll be quite surprised at what you find. What do you think? and check thi...
7 Mars Mysteries

7 Mars Mysteries

From ancient martian oceans to tsunamis to our homeland to strange methane being released everywhere, these are the 7 mysteries of the plane...
7 Mysteries Science Can't Explain

7 Mysteries Science Can't Explain

Here is a look at seven mysteries science can't explain. What do you think? and check this out...
5 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

5 Mysterious Creatures Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life!

From the Albino Bigfoot to The Sewer Monster, here is a look at five mysterious creatures caught on camera and spotted in real life. What do...
5 Truly Creepy Mysteries That Are Still Unexplained

5 Truly Creepy Mysteries That Are Still Unexplained

This world is full of mysteries, some are wonderful and magical and some are just damn right creepy. So, from a believed alien abduction cau...
5 Space Discoveries & Mysteries That Could Prove Alien Life Exists

5 Space Discoveries & Mysteries That Could Prove Alien Life Exists

From the mysterious bright spots on a Dwarf Planet to the unexplained dimming of a Star 1500 light years away from earth. Here are five spac...
5 Strangest Space Mysteries of 2015 - Dark5

5 Strangest Space Mysteries of 2015 - Dark5

Unexplained photos, mysterious signals, UFOs, and miraculous technology... Dark5 presents 5 of the strangest discoveries in our solar system...
8 Biggest Unexplained Natural Mysteries

8 Biggest Unexplained Natural Mysteries

Damn nature, you scary AND mysterious! Scientists have spent lifetimes trying to figure out these unsolvable mysteries. Here are 8 of the BI...