Showing posts with label Neanderthal. Show all posts
10 Mysterious Extinct Human Species

10 Mysterious Extinct Human Species

We have not always been the only human species around...Here is a look at 10 mysterious extinct human species. and check this out...
5 Human Creation Theories

5 Human Creation Theories

Did we come from God through Adam & Eve? Were we delivered on planet earth by Aliens? Did we evolve from sea creatures? Did prehistoric ...
Neanderthals - The Fortean Strip

Neanderthals - The Fortean Strip

This week on the Fortean Strip we take a look at Neanderthal Man.
Was a Neanderthal shot by a time traveller?

Was a Neanderthal shot by a time traveller?

ONE day in 1922, near Broken Hill, Southern Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), a skull was found. When it came to the attention of the British Museu...