Showing posts with label Newtown. Show all posts
Truther Alex Jones pushes tornado theory "There’s weather weapon stuff going on" (audio)

Truther Alex Jones pushes tornado theory "There’s weather weapon stuff going on" (audio)

Conspiracy talk show host Alex Jones, increasingly a favorite of conservative media for his extremely vocal support of gun rights, outed h...
'Sandy Hook Truthers' claim Newtown shooting was a hoax (video)

'Sandy Hook Truthers' claim Newtown shooting was a hoax (video)

WASHINGTON – The United States has long been a breeding ground for conspiracy theorists, spurred by an often violent history riddled, in par...
Sandy Hook: Unfortunate Tragedy or Elaborate Government Conspiracy ?? (video)

Sandy Hook: Unfortunate Tragedy or Elaborate Government Conspiracy ?? (video)

(from For Liberty Sake: written by Daniel J. Fortune) Could national tragedies be nothing more than governmental conspiracies staged in orde...