Showing posts with label Ontario. Show all posts
Interdimensional Beings In Orangeville, Ontario

Interdimensional Beings In Orangeville, Ontario

Youtuber Beyond Creepy looks at three cases including a being in Scotland shaped like a wheel, an entity in Tennessee made of parchment pape...
Four Musicians Encounter A Strange Object

Four Musicians Encounter A Strange Object

Beyond Creepy looks at a 1973 case from Jordan, Ontario investigated by Graham Conway of UFOBC in which four musicians encountered a strange...
Poltergeist Reboot Director claims film location is haunted

Poltergeist Reboot Director claims film location is haunted

The director of the upcoming Poltergeist reboot is keeping the infamous 'Poltergeist curse' alive and well. Director Gil Kenan said ...
'Haunted House' for sale in Niagara-on-the-Lake

'Haunted House' for sale in Niagara-on-the-Lake

Is it haunted? If ever there was a house that seemed hospitable to ghosts, 240 Centre St. in Niagara-on-the-Lake would be it, and it’s bee...
The Ghosts of the Bala Bay Inn in Ontario, Canada

The Ghosts of the Bala Bay Inn in Ontario, Canada

The following is an excerpt from the book, Haunted Ontario — Ghostly Inns, Hotels, and Other Eerie Places by Terry Boyle. Haunted Ontario i...
Pyramid-like object reported over Cambridge, Ontario

Pyramid-like object reported over Cambridge, Ontario

UFOs are "Unidentified Flying Objects". What was photographed by a southern Ontario couple recently? What do you think? A Cambridg...
Spooky Ultrasound Haunts Mans Testicles

Spooky Ultrasound Haunts Mans Testicles

  Canadian doctors were scanning through ultrasound images of a 45-year-o...