Showing posts with label Plesiosaur. Show all posts
Man Snaps Convincing Photo Of The Loch Ness Monster

Man Snaps Convincing Photo Of The Loch Ness Monster

Ian Bremmer, a whiskey warehouse worker, snapped this photo of what most are considering the most convincing evidence of the Loch Ness Monst...
Kraken Found On Google Earth?

Kraken Found On Google Earth?

Has the mythological Kraken been found on Google Earth? Scott Waring of UFO Sighting Daily seems to think so. He says, “This looks like The ...
Sea Monsters and Great White Shark Sightings In Maine

Sea Monsters and Great White Shark Sightings In Maine

In this episode Chris and Steve talk about sea monster sightings off the coast of Maine and The Saco River Curse of "The White Monkey...
7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

From strange looking hairy dolphins to Loch Ness Monster type creatures, here are seven of the most strange unidentified creatures caught on...
Mysterious Creature Caught On Tape In Thames River

Mysterious Creature Caught On Tape In Thames River

Here is a look at video evidence of a mysterious giant creature caught on tape in a river. The video, which was recorded on a mobile phone b...