Showing posts with label Powers. Show all posts
5 MYSTERIOUS Ancient Books That Promise REAL Supernatural Powers

5 MYSTERIOUS Ancient Books That Promise REAL Supernatural Powers

There are magical texts, books called grimoire that can summon angels, demons and spirits and promises its reader super normal powers. What ...
5 Extraordinary People With Real Life Super Powers

5 Extraordinary People With Real Life Super Powers

Superhumans and heroes have captured our imagination since the early nineteen hundreds, First in comic books and then movies, But just how f...
6 Clues Bruce Lee May Have Been Superhuman

6 Clues Bruce Lee May Have Been Superhuman

Bruce lee was able to accomplish incredible physical feats like the one inch punch. Did Bruce Lee's intense training give him superpower...
5 Kids with Real Psychic Super Powers!

5 Kids with Real Psychic Super Powers!

Psychic phenomena has baffled people for all time. Are psychic gifts an inherent gift we all have? Do you believe that psychic powers exist?...
Top 10 Superpowers Science Will Soon Give Us

Top 10 Superpowers Science Will Soon Give Us

Everyone of us have dreams of being a superhero. Here are some of superpowers that science will give us in our lifetime.