Showing posts with label Research. Show all posts
Bigfoot Research And Hoaxes

Bigfoot Research And Hoaxes

The Fortean Slip Episode 124 Chris and Steve are once again joined by Matt Knapp as they discuss Bigfoot research and hoaxes. They also disc...
Bigfoot Sighting in Utah Payson Canyon On Scene Research

Bigfoot Sighting in Utah Payson Canyon On Scene Research

The Paranormal Review goes on the scene to do some research into the Bigfoot sighting in the Payson Canyon in Utah. Check it out! and check ...
Bigfoot Research With Rick Dyer And Tim Fasano

Bigfoot Research With Rick Dyer And Tim Fasano

This week Chris and Steve are joined by Richard Allen as they discuss Bigfoot research and the Bigfoot research community. They also discuss...
The Henry McKay Confession Tape - Men In Black Encounter

The Henry McKay Confession Tape - Men In Black Encounter

The Henry McKay Confession Tape is an audio cassette tape from 1978 of pioneer physical trace UFOlogist Henry McKay talking about his experi...