Showing posts with label Ritual Magick. Show all posts
Modern Witchcraft

Modern Witchcraft

Believe it or not, witch hunts still take place in the modern day -- and some countries even have laws about sorcery. Tune in to learn about...
5 Real Books of Magic

5 Real Books of Magic

Do these ancient books and coded ciphers hide the secrets to real magic? Dark 5 looks at five real books of magic. What do you think? and ch...
HP Lovecraft and the Black Magickal Tradition

HP Lovecraft and the Black Magickal Tradition

Modern practicing occultists have argued that renowned horror writer H. P. Lovecraft was in possession of in-depth knowledge of black magick...
The Occult, Ritual Magick And The Lisa Frank Tarot Deck

The Occult, Ritual Magick And The Lisa Frank Tarot Deck

In this episode Chris and Richard talk about the occult sciences after giving their take on the Lisa Frank tarot deck. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCEN...