Showing posts with label Russian Yeti. Show all posts
Todd Standing Has Returned To The Bigfoot Research Community

Todd Standing Has Returned To The Bigfoot Research Community

The return of Todd Standing has a great many people in an uproar. Our recent show got a lot of feedback . Here it is again in case you misse...
Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

Youtuber Top15s takes a look at fifteen of the most convincing Bigfoot sightings caught on tape. Leave a comment and let us know what you th...
Sasquatch versus Dogman - A Real Encounter

Sasquatch versus Dogman - A Real Encounter

An officer of the forest recounts his time in the forest where he enoucnters not only a pair of sasquatch but a dogman as well. His true sas...
Latest Post Of A Bigfoot In Southern Oregon - Commentary

Latest Post Of A Bigfoot In Southern Oregon - Commentary

Parabreakdown is at it again. This time he checks out this photo of a Bigfoot from Southern Oregon. What do you think? and check this out. T...
4 Unexplained Cryptid Photos With Mysterious Backstories

4 Unexplained Cryptid Photos With Mysterious Backstories

Photos offer us fascinating depictions into many aspects of the unexplained, but also leave us with many mysteries. From evidence of the leg...
Sasquatch on Sunnyslope? Trackway Found!

Sasquatch on Sunnyslope? Trackway Found!

Bigfoot researcher Paul Graves investigates a set of prints his friend Roy Bianchi found near a Sunnyslope housing development north of Wena...
The Dyatlov Pass Incident with Keith McCloskey

The Dyatlov Pass Incident with Keith McCloskey

In his follow up book on The Dyatlov Pas incident, Keith presents a bunch of new data, talks about his trip to the pass, and weighs out the ...
Bigfoot and His Pets | Knocks In Space

Bigfoot and His Pets | Knocks In Space

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases including one in which a Bigfoot was sighted with two cougar like felines and the strange knocks heard by a...
Even More Weird Bigfoot Stories

Even More Weird Bigfoot Stories

Beyond Creepy looks at three cases including a sighting of a Bigfoot in an area frequented by clothing optional folks, a Russian case in whi...
UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

The Fortean Slip Episode 133 This week Chris and Richard talk about the recent images and mass sightings of UFOs in the skies above Turkey. ...
5 Rarest & Most Mysterious Animals On The Planet

5 Rarest & Most Mysterious Animals On The Planet

Planet Earth is filled with animals of all different shapes and sizes. Most we know about, and others we do not know a whole lot about, such...
Russian Yeti - Breakdown

Russian Yeti - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this dashcam footage of a Yeti crossing the snow covered road in front of a car and gives us hi...
The Strange Deaths of the 9 Hikers of Dyatlov Pass

The Strange Deaths of the 9 Hikers of Dyatlov Pass

An expedition gone horribly wrong or proof that we aren’t alone? BuzzFeedBlue looks at the fate of nine hikers in the Ural Mountains in 1959...
Keith McCloskey on The Dyatlov Pass Incident

Keith McCloskey on The Dyatlov Pass Incident

In January 1959, ten experienced young skiers set out for Mount Otorten in the far north of Russia. While one of the skiers fell ill and ret...
Is The Dyatlov Pass Incident Happening All Over Again?

Is The Dyatlov Pass Incident Happening All Over Again?

A new body has been discovered in the Ural Mountains in the infamous Dyatlov Pass. Have the strange occurrences returned? Or did they ever r...
8 Most Notorious Bigfoot Sightings Of All Time

8 Most Notorious Bigfoot Sightings Of All Time

Bigfoot caught on tape, famous sightings, mysterious creature footage and real evidence of sasquatch, these are the 8 most notorious bigfoot...
The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Unsolved Mysteries

The Dyatlov Pass Incident: Unsolved Mysteries

On February 2, 1959 an incident happened on the eastern side of Kholat Syakhl. Since then, the mountain pass where the incident occurred has...