Showing posts with label Scientists. Show all posts
Scientists Find New 'Evidence' That Our Universe Is a Hologram

Scientists Find New 'Evidence' That Our Universe Is a Hologram

The holographic universe theory is nothing new, but recently researchers have found the first ever observational evidence that out universe ...
Scientists Find Ancient 'Lost Continent' in the Indian Ocean

Scientists Find Ancient 'Lost Continent' in the Indian Ocean

Scientists say they have found evidence of a lost continent, Mauritia. Beyond Science takes a look at this story. What do you think? and che...
6 Ways You Can Actually Time Travel

6 Ways You Can Actually Time Travel

Ever thought time travel was just something in sci fi movies? A time traveler going back in time or to the future for a time traveling adven...
Mysterious Beached Tusked Whale Baffles Scientists

Mysterious Beached Tusked Whale Baffles Scientists

This rare beaked whale washed up on the shores of Southern Australia has baffled researchers. This female whale would normally have no teeth...
Abandoned Boat Baffles Scientists for 70 Years

Abandoned Boat Baffles Scientists for 70 Years

Bouvet Island houses a mysterious abandoned lifeboat that has baffled scientists for the past 70 years. How did a lifeboat end up in the mid...