Showing posts with label Sky. Show all posts
Blue Lights in the Sky: A Real Alien Encounter

Blue Lights in the Sky: A Real Alien Encounter

The Supernaturalist Channel Presents: Blue Lights in the Sky: A Real Alien Encounter. While driving home with his mother, a young boy sees w...
The Strange UFO In The Sky - Breakdown

The Strange UFO In The Sky - Breakdown

Is this an image of an actual UFO caught on tape? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this video and gives us his thoughts. What do...
What's In The Sky? UFO Spotted In Toronto - Breakdown

What's In The Sky? UFO Spotted In Toronto - Breakdown

Strange lights are seen over Toronto Canada. Two young men pull their car over to record the incredible event. Phil Poling of Pararbreakdown...
7 Strangest Sights and Sounds from the Sky

7 Strangest Sights and Sounds from the Sky

From UFOs hovering over airports to things trailing airplanes to things falling from the sky and leaving strangely shaped holes in the groun...
Meteor Creates Sonic Boom As It Lights Up Sky Over Arizona

Meteor Creates Sonic Boom As It Lights Up Sky Over Arizona

A meteor lit up the skies over Arizona early Thursday morning while also breaking the sound barrier and creating a sonic boom. Check it out!...
First China, Now A City In The Sky Appears Over England

First China, Now A City In The Sky Appears Over England

After people saw the city in the sky in China, many speculations were abound. Was is aliens? Was it a parallel universe? Or was it simply a ...
Mysterious City Appears In Sky Above China

Mysterious City Appears In Sky Above China

The footage which was recorded by a local resident appears to show a huge city floating in the clouds. The apparition which was witnessed by...