Showing posts with label Spooky. Show all posts
6 Incredibly Spooky Things

6 Incredibly Spooky Things

From haunted mirrors said to contain the ghosts of a mother and her children to a possessed raggedy-Ann doll that can move around by itself,...
"Ghost doctor" caught on camera lurking in a derelict hospital

"Ghost doctor" caught on camera lurking in a derelict hospital

A terrified ghost hunter probing a 'haunted' derelict hospital was horrified to see the spectral figure of a doctor lurking in one ...
New York Cop assisted in more than 20 exorcisms (video)

New York Cop assisted in more than 20 exorcisms (video)

Meet the cop who busted scumbags by day — and Satan by night. The new horror film “Deliver Us From Evil,” due in theaters July 2, is based...
Has Edinburgh's most haunted pub ghost finally been caught on film

Has Edinburgh's most haunted pub ghost finally been caught on film

IT is believed to be Edinburgh’s most haunted pub, with more spooky spectres than there are spirits behind the bar. Now staff at the Grassma...
County employees busted for ghost camera

County employees busted for ghost camera

Two city-county employees have been given reprimands for having a camera posted in hopes of capturing paranormal activity in the county he...
Butt Pinching Ghost Terrorizes Bar Patrons

Butt Pinching Ghost Terrorizes Bar Patrons

Drinkers and staff at an ancient pub are being terrorized by a cheeky ghoul — who pinches drinkers' butts. Terrified regulars at The Que...
"Haunted" Ohio Prison a Hot Spot for Weddings

"Haunted" Ohio Prison a Hot Spot for Weddings

The 100-year-old Ohio state prison featured in "Shawshank Redemption" has taken on a new, significantly less creepy role in recent...