Showing posts with label Staffordshire. Show all posts
Creepy face of a ghost appears on film in a Haunted tunnel (video)

Creepy face of a ghost appears on film in a Haunted tunnel (video)

A paranormal investigator got the shock of his life when he was faced with a 'ghost' after venturing alone into underground tunnel...
Man photographs 'White Knight Ghosts' watching neice playing in park

Man photographs 'White Knight Ghosts' watching neice playing in park

A dad-of-five was left spooked when he spotted two ghostly figures – which he believes are knights – in the back of a photo. Richard Jones ...
Black Eyed Child' spotted in UK for first time in 30 years

Black Eyed Child' spotted in UK for first time in 30 years

Sightings of the ghoul around the marshy countryside of Cannock Chase, a notorious area for paranormal sightings in Staffordshire, were fi...