Showing posts with label Technology. Show all posts
The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History

The 500 Year Old MAP That Could REWRITE Human History

The Piri Reis Map is argued to be one of the most advanced written ancient maps that was done prior to the 16th Century. The map somehow rep...
Crazy UFO Sighting From Plane Over Nevada

Crazy UFO Sighting From Plane Over Nevada

Photos of a disc-shaped craft taken by an airplane passenger in Nevada created a huge buzz in the UFO community, UFO bloggers are saying tha...
Cyborg Cockroaches Could Save Your Life

Cyborg Cockroaches Could Save Your Life

Most consider them pesky critters, but Dr. Alper Bozkurt of North Carolina State University thinks that cockroaches have the potential to sa...
Top 10 Superpowers Science Will Soon Give Us

Top 10 Superpowers Science Will Soon Give Us

Everyone of us have dreams of being a superhero. Here are some of superpowers that science will give us in our lifetime.
Buddy The Robot Wants To Be Your Friend

Buddy The Robot Wants To Be Your Friend

IT HAS BEGUN! An Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign is underway for Buddy. A robot for the whole family to enjoy and help around the house. Is ...
‘I can now transplant full human head’ states Scientist

‘I can now transplant full human head’ states Scientist

An Italian scientist says human head transplants could become a reality in this century, but don’t lose your heads over it. At least  not ...