Showing posts with label Top 20. Show all posts
20 Creepiest Ghost Photos Ever Taken

20 Creepiest Ghost Photos Ever Taken

From the figure of a young boy dressed in white that peeks around corners to spy on any lurking photographers to mysterious faces appearing ...
Top 20 Creepiest Urban Legends From England

Top 20 Creepiest Urban Legends From England

In the land of England, exists many legends of monsters, curses, and even some involving the Devil himself. Strange, otherworldly creatures ...
20 Bizarre Collections You Won’t Believe Exist

20 Bizarre Collections You Won’t Believe Exist

From toenail clippings and airline barf bags to latex mermaid tails, here is a look through 20 bizarre collections you won’t believe actuall...
20 Most Unusual Schools Ever

20 Most Unusual Schools Ever

From students being allowed to smoke in class to an institution that teaches the art of prostitution. Here is a look at 20 of the most unusu...
Top 20 Creepiest Mexican Urban Legends

Top 20 Creepiest Mexican Urban Legends

Learning about a culture different than yours is usually a fun and rewarding experience, but every culture has their own set of urban legend...