Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts
Bigfoot Habituation With Rick Dyer And Stacy Brown

Bigfoot Habituation With Rick Dyer And Stacy Brown

The Fortean Slip Episode 134 This week Chris is joined by Steve and Richard to talk about the Rick Dyer and Stacy Brown Bigfoot Habituation ...
UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

The Fortean Slip Episode 133 This week Chris and Richard talk about the recent images and mass sightings of UFOs in the skies above Turkey. ...
"Gate to Hell" uncovered in Turkey (video)

"Gate to Hell" uncovered in Turkey (video)

Archaeologists say they have pinpointed an ancient – and lethal – cave that was once believed to be the entrance to the underworld. Working...