Showing posts with label Underwater. Show all posts
Sea Serpents And Underwater Cryptids

Sea Serpents And Underwater Cryptids

The Fortean Slip Episode 139 This week Chris and Steve talk about Scientology, Underwater Cryptids, evolution and a bunch of other topics. T...
Underwater Abominable Snowman / The Edwards Incident

Underwater Abominable Snowman / The Edwards Incident

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases. In the first, a diver claims to have had an encounter with an underwater creature in the 1960s. In the sec...
5 Mysterious Discoveries From Beneath The Sea!

5 Mysterious Discoveries From Beneath The Sea!

There is no doubt that the sea harbors very weird things. The seabed is dotted with a number of discoveries that would definitely surprise e...
10 Unbelievable Underwater American Discoveries

10 Unbelievable Underwater American Discoveries

You won't believe what amazing discoveries people have made here in America even an underwater Stonehenge in Lake Michigan! What do you ...
5 Mysterious New Deep Sea Discoveries

5 Mysterious New Deep Sea Discoveries

Dark5 presents photos and video of 5 Mysterious Underwater Discoveries made in 2016… scientists try to explain a strange purple orb, a fange...
7 Biggest Underwater Mysteries We Still Don't Understand

7 Biggest Underwater Mysteries We Still Don't Understand

From an underwater stonehenge to a picture of a mastadon on a rock to magnetic anomolies in a strange lake, these are the 7 biggest underwat...
7 Mysterious Underwater Cities

7 Mysterious Underwater Cities

From mysterious building found at the bottom of a lake left for centuries to cities which were only previously thought to exist in the realm...
5 Most Mysterious & Unsolved Underwater Mysteries

5 Most Mysterious & Unsolved Underwater Mysteries

Planet Earth is surrounded by 71% water, and with that comes most of the world's wonders and mysteries that drive us all insane trying t...
13 Bizarre Underwater Discoveries

13 Bizarre Underwater Discoveries

From amazing art to a mysterious train, these are 13 of the most bizarre underwater discoveries. and check this out...
8 Of The Most Mind-Blowing Things That Can Be Found Underwater

8 Of The Most Mind-Blowing Things That Can Be Found Underwater

Most of what's underwater continues to be a mystery, but here are some of the most mind blowing things researchers and scientists have f...
7 Mysterious & Amazing Underwater Discoveries of 2015

7 Mysterious & Amazing Underwater Discoveries of 2015

Here are some of the most fascinating and mysterious underwater discoveries of 2015 and check this out...
5 Most Haunted Underwater Places

5 Most Haunted Underwater Places

Presenting 5 Most Haunted Places Underwater, including the most dangerous diver site in the world, the Red Sea's Blue Hole ("Diver...
Strangest Things Found in the Ocean | SERIOUSLY STRANGE

Strangest Things Found in the Ocean | SERIOUSLY STRANGE

Much of the ocean has never been discovered. We just have no idea what is waiting to be found.
7 Legendary Lost Worlds Shrouded in Mystery

7 Legendary Lost Worlds Shrouded in Mystery

Did a whole civilization disappear in one day? Is there a place on earth where everything is covered in gold? Here are 7 legendary lost worl...
The World's 10 Most Mysterious Underwater Anomalies

The World's 10 Most Mysterious Underwater Anomalies

From the Bimini Road to the Lake Michigan Stonehenge, here are ten mysterious underwater anomalies for you to check out.