Showing posts with label Unidentified. Show all posts
5 Mysterious Creature Sightings & Encounters in the Middle of Wars

5 Mysterious Creature Sightings & Encounters in the Middle of Wars

Dark5 presents 5 witness accounts of unidentified creatures, cryptids, and monsters sightings & encounters in the middle of war... Leave...
5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

From an unexplained creature spotted at the Japanese 2011 Tsunami, to the legendary cryptic iceland water creature that was beleived to have...
5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs)

5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs)

We are all familiar with UFOs, Unidentified Flying Objects that are usually associated with alien crafts. But have you ever heard of a USO? ...
5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

5 Most Mysterious & Unidentified Creatures Caught On Camera

From an unexplained creature spotted at the Japanese 2011 Tsunami, to the legendary cryptic Iceland water creature that was believed to have...
7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

7 Most Strange Unidentified Creatures Ever Caught On Tape

From strange looking hairy dolphins to Loch Ness Monster type creatures, here are seven of the most strange unidentified creatures caught on...
Top 15 STRANGEST Unidentified Creatures Ever Found

Top 15 STRANGEST Unidentified Creatures Ever Found

From the Mothman to the Metepec Creature, here are fifteen of the strangest unidentified creatures ever found. and check this out.