The holographic universe theory is nothing new, but recently researchers have found the first ever observational evidence that out universe ...
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10 Mysterious Space Discoveries
Since 1925 we've known that our universe is constantly expanding. But recent studies show it's expanding much faster than we thought...

Universe's 7 Biggest Unanswerable Questions
7 mind-blowing mysteries that will haunt Mankind and other intelligent life forms across the Universe until the end of time... Will these en...

NASA’s SDO Captures Cascading Magnetic Arches
A dark solar filament above the sun's surface became unstable and erupted on Dec. 16-17, 2015, generating a cascade of magnetic arches. ...

11 Solar System Mysteries That Science Can't Explain
From one of the biggest mysteries of science, to lunar disappearing acts, here are 11 mysteries about our solar system that science can’t ex...

10 Mind Blowing Facts About Black Holes
From being spaghettified to nothing, even light, escaping its grasp, here are 10 amazing facts about black holes.

Top 10: Questions Left Unanswered By Science
When you take a minute to think about it, there are so many things we still don’t have definite or even well-substantiated answers for. From...

Are humans the result of genetic experiments performed by an alien race thousands of years ago?

Ancient Aliens - Hidden Pyramids
With infrared satellite technology detecting pyramids hidden underneath the sand in Egypt and airborne laser sensors discovering long lost p...

Alien Abductions And Time Travel, Are They Related?
The Fortean Slip Daily Dose 45 Today Chris and Fred talk about alien abductions and whether or not there is a connection with time travel. T...
Roswell Slides May Show Aliens
The Fortean Slip Rewind - The Fortean Slip 65 Time To Get Your Picture Pages Episode. This week Chris and Steve look into the Roswell slides...

HENRi - A Sci-fi Short Film
HENRi is an epic sci-fi short film starring Keir Dullea (2001: A Space Odyssey) and Margot Kidder (Superman). Kickstarter funded, and two ye...

Alien Life Beyond Earth And The Solar System - Documentary
Does the universe hold life other than the ones we take for granted? Take a trip into the cosmos and search for alien life in this documenta...

Stephen Hawking On Aliens - Documentary
Stephen Hawking's take on aliens in the universe and their impact on us.

Envoy - Short Film
Two kids find a strange visitor and a new friend in the corn field behind their house in this short film. E N V O Y from David Weinstein ...

Top 10 Signs of Alien Life
Are we alone in the Universe? AllTime 10s investigate the top 10 signs of alien life within our very own solar system and beyond. The video ...

20 Most Mysterious UFO Sightings Of All Time
From the Edwards Air Force base sighting to the Roswell incident. Here are 20 of the most mysterious UFO sightings of all time.

5 Most Mysterious Photos From Mars
The 5 most mysterious photographs taken on Mars, from a strange ball of light shining up from the ground to a humanoid shape that looks impo...

Top Ten Mysteries Of The Universe
The Universe... The incredible difference in scale between the tiny world we live in every day and the vastness of all time and space begs t...
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