Showing posts with label Window. Show all posts
Creepy Corpse Bride or Mannequin In The Window?

Creepy Corpse Bride or Mannequin In The Window?

Is there a 'Corpse Bride' in a window in La Pascualita, Mexico? Paranormal Junkie takes a look at this case and lays out the facts. ...
Man Sees Dogman In The Window

Man Sees Dogman In The Window

This video looks at a case from the late 70s in which a man claims he observed something terrifying outside his bedroom window. What do you ...
Vacationers Catch Alien Watching Through Window!

Vacationers Catch Alien Watching Through Window!

Is this image caught on film an alien looking through the window? Check out the video and decide for yourself. and check this out...
Bigfoot Mimics Woman Outside Bedroom Window [Southern Bigfoot Tales]

Bigfoot Mimics Woman Outside Bedroom Window [Southern Bigfoot Tales]

Two young brothers find it amusing when something outside their bedroom window begins to mimic the sounds of their grandmother snoring at ni...
Bigfoot Caught On Tape Looking Through Window 2015 - Breakdown

Bigfoot Caught On Tape Looking Through Window 2015 - Breakdown

Phil Poling is on a roll today. Here is another Bigfoot video of a supposed Bigfoot looking through the window. Parabreakdown takes a closer...