Showing posts with label Youtube. Show all posts
10 Supposedly Cursed YouTube Videos

10 Supposedly Cursed YouTube Videos

In this top 10 list, Chills looks into the mystery of some Youtube videos that are allegedly cursed. All of these mysterious videos aim for ...
Top 15 Most Scary Horror Stories Found On The Internet

Top 15 Most Scary Horror Stories Found On The Internet

Top15s looks at the top fifteen most scary horror stories found on the internet. What do you think? and check this out...
5 Mysterious And Unexplained Videos

5 Mysterious And Unexplained Videos

From flying cows to flying people, here is a look at five mysterious and unexplained videos. You be the judge. and check this out...
Top 15 Scariest YouTube Channels

Top 15 Scariest YouTube Channels

Here are 15 of the scariest channels on YouTube... and check this out...
10 Creepiest YouTube Videos

10 Creepiest YouTube Videos

The 10 creepiest and scariest YouTube videos. From a woman who is obsessed with Columbine shooters to bizarre lost footage of Shayne Saint J...
6 Most Eerily Convincing Ghost Videos On YouTube

6 Most Eerily Convincing Ghost Videos On YouTube

Look, we're not saying ghosts are real but, well, maybe ghosts are totally real. and check out this recent ghost video.
Bigfoot threw a rock at a guy in Kentucky (video)

Bigfoot threw a rock at a guy in Kentucky (video)

In Taylorsville Lake, Kentucky, a family was sleeping in their tents at a camping ground on August 4 when, all of a sudden, “a loud howl p...
Strange Humanoid shadow spotted on the Moon (video)

Strange Humanoid shadow spotted on the Moon (video)

Google Earth map spotted a strange image on the moon in July 2014 that appeared to be a shadow of a very large tower or an alien . The rare ...