Showing posts with label extraterrestrial. Show all posts
Blue Lights in the Sky: A Real Alien Encounter

Blue Lights in the Sky: A Real Alien Encounter

The Supernaturalist Channel Presents: Blue Lights in the Sky: A Real Alien Encounter. While driving home with his mother, a young boy sees w...
Time Tavelling Ancient Aliens

Time Tavelling Ancient Aliens

The Fortean Slip Episode 144 This week Chris and Steve take a lighthearted look at UFOs, Intelligent Design and monkeys. THIS WEBCAST IS UNC...
NASA Cuts Live Feed as SIX UFOs Fly past Space Station?!

NASA Cuts Live Feed as SIX UFOs Fly past Space Station?!

NASA's Live video stream from the International Space Station caught 6 unidentified flying objects passing by. Some believe them to be U...
The Strange UFO In The Sky - Breakdown

The Strange UFO In The Sky - Breakdown

Is this an image of an actual UFO caught on tape? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this video and gives us his thoughts. What do...
The 1916 Aldeburgh Suffolk incident

The 1916 Aldeburgh Suffolk incident

Youtuber williamdefalco takes a look at a UFO encounter that took place during WWI. What do you think? and check this out...
UFO Transits Super Moon - Breakdown

UFO Transits Super Moon - Breakdown

Is this a UFO crossing over the Super Moon? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at the footage and gives us his thoughts. What do you ...
The Black Cube | The Cape Spear UFO Incident

The Black Cube | The Cape Spear UFO Incident

Beyond Creepy looks at two cases. A woman in Missouri sees a black cube outside her family farm. A man in Newfoundland observes some strange...
7 Officials Who Admitted Aliens Exist

7 Officials Who Admitted Aliens Exist

A few government officials have actually already admitted that aliens not only exist, but are among us… What do you think? and check this ou...
Strange Creepy UFO Encounters

Strange Creepy UFO Encounters

Beyond Creepy looks at three cases of alien encounters. In the first one, a man from California claims he was nearly sucked up into a UFO ov...
What's In The Sky? UFO Spotted In Toronto - Breakdown

What's In The Sky? UFO Spotted In Toronto - Breakdown

Strange lights are seen over Toronto Canada. Two young men pull their car over to record the incredible event. Phil Poling of Pararbreakdown...
UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

UFO Fleet Caught On Camera In The Skies Above Turkey

The Fortean Slip Episode 133 This week Chris and Richard talk about the recent images and mass sightings of UFOs in the skies above Turkey. ...
UFO Seen By Military Base - Breakdown

UFO Seen By Military Base - Breakdown

This is an image of a supposed UFO taken near a military base. Could it be the real deal? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this ...
5 Deadly UFO Attacks on Earth

5 Deadly UFO Attacks on Earth

5 close encounters of the killer kind... Dark5 presents 5 deadly UFO attacks and abductions that shocked planet Earth and point to a frighte...
Alien Was Captured In Russia - 2016 - Breakdown

Alien Was Captured In Russia - 2016 - Breakdown

Phil Poling takes a look at this video of a supposed Alien captured by Russians and gives us his thoughts. What do you think?? and check thi...
The Chupa-Chupa UFO Phenomenon

The Chupa-Chupa UFO Phenomenon

What is the Chupa-Chupa UFO phenomenon? Youtuber williamdefalco takes a look at this strange phenomenon. What do you think? and check this o...
Men In Black - Government Cover Ups

Men In Black - Government Cover Ups

Men In Black, Are they from another world? Or part of a huge Government Cover Up. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNC...
Alliance, Ohio Alien Incident

Alliance, Ohio Alien Incident

Beyond Creepy looks at a 1957 case from Alliance, Ohio involving aliens in a cornfield. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST ...
Top 7 Strangest Alien Encounters

Top 7 Strangest Alien Encounters

By their very definition alien encounters are always going to be weird, but some people's stories of abduction and molestation by beings...
Bigfoot and UFOs

Bigfoot and UFOs

Beyond Creepy examines two cases in which Bigfoot-like creatures were encountered after a UFO sighting. What do you think? and check this ou...
5 Unexplained Ancient UFO Sightings

5 Unexplained Ancient UFO Sightings

Here are five mysterious records of ancient UFO sightings that can't be explained. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST I...