Showing posts with label meteor. Show all posts
Meteor Creates Sonic Boom As It Lights Up Sky Over Arizona

Meteor Creates Sonic Boom As It Lights Up Sky Over Arizona

A meteor lit up the skies over Arizona early Thursday morning while also breaking the sound barrier and creating a sonic boom. Check it out!...
Green Fireball Seen Above New England

Green Fireball Seen Above New England

This fireball streaking across the sky was caught on a police officer's dash cam early Tuesday morning May 17th. What do you think? and ...
Did A UFO Just Crash Into Jupiter?

Did A UFO Just Crash Into Jupiter?

On March 17th 2016 something crashed into Jupiter. Was it a UFO? Probably not but its always fun to imagine. Check out the video of the impa...
Meteor or UFO Exploding Over New York. (a Breakdown)

Meteor or UFO Exploding Over New York. (a Breakdown)

Is this a real meteor or UFO exploding over New York? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at and breaks down the footage.
More mysterious holes found in Russia

More mysterious holes found in Russia

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Two more craters of unknown origin have been spotted in Russia's Siberia region, weeks after a similar-looking hole...