Showing posts with label mystery. Show all posts

"Ghost Man" photobombs a girls selfie in Georgia (video)

A recent birthday fishing trip yielded more than a record-breaking catch for the birthday boy, after what some are calling a “ghost man” t...

The Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery - Breakdown

Phil Poling takes a look at the 'Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery' and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and check this out. ...

5 Theories That Could Explain The Bermuda Triangle Mystery

Dark Light T takes a look at five theories that could explain the Bermuda Triangle mystery. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBC...

Mysterious creature filmed swimming up a Alaskan River (video)

At various times of year, Bureau of Land Management Fairbanks District Office Public Affairs Specialist Craig McCaa likes to go down to the...

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle - Full Documentary

The Bermuda Triangle is a mythical section of the Atlantic Ocean roughly bounded by Miami, Bermuda and Puerto Rico where dozens of ships and...

Woman captures ghost of a child waving on camera (video)

Louise Murphy and her son Owen visited the Riverside Museum's Victorian-themed street and were shocked to discover they had a captured ...

5 People Whose Lives Were Shrouded in Mystery & Secrecy

From a possible spy who was found dead surrounded by unusual items, that could have links to the men in black, to a lady who's family ha...

Statue of Jesus opens and closes eyes on camera (video)

Strange footage has appeared online that shows a statue of Jesus opening and closing its eyes. The video was captured inside the chapel of...

Spooky footage shows a trolley being guided around a warehouse (video)

A spooky specter may have been caught on camera in this video, as a trolley appears to come to life. The supernatural event is recorded on a...

The Mystery of "This Man"

People the world over have seen this man in their dreams. Who is he? Phil Poling of Parabreakdown gives us a look at who it might be...... k...

Paranormal Ship Mystery

What would cause an entire ship’s crew to be found lying dead face up, mouths open, facing the sky? The mystery crew of the S S Orang Medan ...

America's Creepy History

Over 400 years ago, England made several attempts to establish colonies in what is now the United States. Some of the settlements were succe...

Top 10 Bizarre Modern Mysteries

Our world is surrounded by many unexplained mysteries, which is why ghost stories and theories have been told throughout the known history o...

Is Water ALIVE?! Water Responds To Our Words, Music & Even Thoughts

Water is one of the basic building blocks of life here on earth. Human's are 3/4 water. Is water ALIVE?! Here are some mysterious ways w...

6 Things Your Body Does That Science Still Can't Explain

Some of the greatest mysteries are not whether ghosts are real or if there's alien life. The mystery is us. Here are some simple things ...

Unexplained howls spark Bigfoot hunt in Canada (video)

A big, hairy mystery is unfolding in a remote community off the coast of northern Vancouver Island. Alert Bay residents have been repor...

‘Nosferatu’ Director's Head Stolen From Grave, possible witchcraft involved

German news outlets are reporting that the head of “ Nosferatu ” director F.W. Murnau has been stolen from his family plot in a cemetery in...

My Uncle, The Jesey Devil

IF YOU WERE TO CRACK a phone book in South Jersey and drag your finger along the pages in the "L" section, you'd find rows ...

'Haunted' house for rent in Liverpool listed on

A house in Toxteth reportedly haunted by a 135-year-old poltergeist that has ‘lifted a woman out of her bed’ is up for rent. Situated in P...

Mysterious ghost light or ball lightning during good weather (video)

At around 4am in Zaporozhye in Southeast Ukraine, a mysterious ball of light appeared on the CCTV footage of a synagogue. The strange orb w...