Showing posts with label yeti. Show all posts
Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot (Surprising Update!!) - Breakdown

Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot (Surprising Update!!) - Breakdown

NvTv had posted a video of a supposed Bigfoot caught on camera by a drone. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown had taken a look at the video, but n...
Proof It Was A Bigfoot - Breakdown

Proof It Was A Bigfoot - Breakdown

The Squatchmaster posted this video of a supposed bigfoot. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this footage and gives us his though...
Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot Walking In Oregon - Breakdown

Real Proof - Drone Films Bigfoot Walking In Oregon - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look at this new drone footage of a supposed Bigfoot. Could this be actual footage of the elusive creat...
Idaho Bigfoot Sighting Causes Car Crash

Idaho Bigfoot Sighting Causes Car Crash

The Fortean Slip Episode 143 This week Chris and Steve talk about the Bigfoot sighting in Idaho and delve into the conspiracies behind Hitle...
Paranormal And Cryptid Investigations

Paranormal And Cryptid Investigations

The Fortean Slip Episode 142 This week Chris and the fellas talk about the world of investigating the paranormal, cryptids, UFO's, etc. ...
Bigfoot Caught On GoPro Attached To Dog - Breakdown

Bigfoot Caught On GoPro Attached To Dog - Breakdown

Phil Poling of Parabreakdown looks at this piece of footage of a supposed Bigfoot caught on a GoPro camera attached to a dog and gives us hi...
Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

Top 15 Most Convincing Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

Youtuber Top15s takes a look at fifteen of the most convincing Bigfoot sightings caught on tape. Leave a comment and let us know what you th...
Todd Standing Returns To The Bigfoot World

Todd Standing Returns To The Bigfoot World

The Fortean Slip Episode 141 This week Chris and the fellas talk about the return of Todd Standing to the Bigfooting world. THIS WEBCAST IS ...
10 True Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter Stories!

10 True Terrifying Bigfoot Encounter Stories!

Bigfoot are the masters of stealth. Many reports come from people all around the world. Swamp Dweller takes a look at ten true terrifying Bi...
5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

5 Bigfoot Sightings Caught on Tape

From footage of Bigfoot in Vietnam to other Sasquatch sightings from around the world, in this video ApexTV takes a look at the top 5 Bigfoo...
Bigfoot Outlaw Radio Ep31 ZAPPED by Bigfoot!

Bigfoot Outlaw Radio Ep31 ZAPPED by Bigfoot!

Matt and Coonbo take over on this one to talk about a strange phenomenon that is sometimes experienced while encountering bigfoot. Can bigfo...


Swamp Dweller presents these fifteen true scary Bigfoot encounter stories. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS UNCENSORED...
The Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery - Breakdown

The Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery - Breakdown

Phil Poling takes a look at the 'Bigfoot Marble Mountain Mystery' and gives us his thoughts. What do you think? and check this out. ...
Sasquatch versus Dogman - A Real Encounter

Sasquatch versus Dogman - A Real Encounter

An officer of the forest recounts his time in the forest where he enoucnters not only a pair of sasquatch but a dogman as well. His true sas...
Latest Post Of A Bigfoot In Southern Oregon - Commentary

Latest Post Of A Bigfoot In Southern Oregon - Commentary

Parabreakdown is at it again. This time he checks out this photo of a Bigfoot from Southern Oregon. What do you think? and check this out. T...
4 Terrifyingly True Dogman & Bigfoot Encounter Stories!

4 Terrifyingly True Dogman & Bigfoot Encounter Stories!

Swamp Dweller presents four terrifyingly true Dogman and Bigfoot encounter stories. What do you think? and check this out. THIS WEBCAST IS U...
4 Unexplained Cryptid Photos With Mysterious Backstories

4 Unexplained Cryptid Photos With Mysterious Backstories

Photos offer us fascinating depictions into many aspects of the unexplained, but also leave us with many mysteries. From evidence of the leg...
Sea Serpents And Underwater Cryptids

Sea Serpents And Underwater Cryptids

The Fortean Slip Episode 139 This week Chris and Steve talk about Scientology, Underwater Cryptids, evolution and a bunch of other topics. T...
Sasquatch on Sunnyslope? Trackway Found!

Sasquatch on Sunnyslope? Trackway Found!

Bigfoot researcher Paul Graves investigates a set of prints his friend Roy Bianchi found near a Sunnyslope housing development north of Wena...
The Algonquin Bigfoot Footage - Commentary

The Algonquin Bigfoot Footage - Commentary

Bigfoot investigator, Dave Stumpf, explores the legend of the Algonquin Bigfoot. Phil Poling of Parabreakdown takes a look and gives some co...