I must admit I have honestly seen some odd lights in the sky, north of Los Angeles, in the high desert. Especially while working on film "Army of Darkness", in Stockton, during the night shoot.
This guy actually gave me a great idea & I am going to try this out one night if the air becomes clear out in smog.., I mean sunny Los Angeles.
You have to be pretty arrogant to believe that "there's nothing out there". mwa hahaha
Enjoy this article:
A short night-vision video posted on YouTube depicting three lights in the night sky over California has been getting attention on the Web. The video was allegedly recorded in Oakland a few days ago by someone using the handle "KevinMC360."
Was it a UFO?
Almost certainly, since KevinMC360 was unable to identify the flying objects.
Was it an alien spacecraft?
Probably not.
A careful examination of his methods suggests why the flying objects he spotted remain unidentified. In another video of the sky over Oakland recorded on June 11, 2010, KevinMC360 begins by videotaping airplanes for "reference." Later in the video (it's not clear whether the recording was edited or otherwise manipulated), he records other lights in the sky and concludes that they must be "a squadron of spacecraft."
Adding to the mystery, "You cannot see these in normal visible light, only in infrared," KevinMC360 can be heard reporting in a voice-over. Lights in the sky that emit only infrared waves might be quite mysterious.
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UFO sighting over California
UFO sighting over California
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