A budding alien hunter has spotted what appears to be a UFO in the skies above London.
Scroll down to watch the bizarre footage
Footage of a flickering orb hovering over the Thames Estuary was caught by a passing motorist on February 5.
It was then uploaded to YouTube under the username Space999dude, where the bizarre images have caused a stir among UFO hunters.
Writing on his page, the user said: “I took this from my car but had to go because of where I was parked.
“Seems too bright for a boat and looked like it was above water.”
He added: “It was a very long way off and I was at full 40x zoom hence the shaky footage.
“I always carry a camcorder in my car as saw something a few years ago and think more people should be looking and keeping cameras at the ready.”
The 53-second clip has attracted nearly 8,000 views and hundreds of comments in the last few days.
Some sceptics questioned the authenticity of the clip, suggesting it shows lights from a ship, distorted by a thermal air layer.
Others argued the fact that the clip is less than a minute long suggested it was a hoax.
But one less cynical user pointed out: “It could be anything...that's the nature of UFO sightings...Keep looking and filming!”
Source: Mirror UK
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"UFO" footage from London causes YouTube stir
"UFO" footage from London causes YouTube stir
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