An Illinois witness traveling west along Route 150 in Bloomington reports watching a "skinny, cigar-shaped object" about 10:40 a.m., September 16, 2012, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.
The woman and her husband, who was driving, report they are familiar with common aircraft that they have observed in this area over a 30-year period and could not identify this object. They were returning home from a drive in the country.
"We were on our way back home driving west on Route 150," the reporting witness stated. "We had just left the Freedom Gas Station on the corner of Towanda/Barnes Road and 150. I glanced at the time on the car clock and it's 10:38 a.m."
The woman saw an object in the sky with no wings.
"I am just trying to figure out why I can't see the wing and what type of new plane it is. It was so skinny, oblong and reflective. Then I determine that we are almost parallel and I must not be able to see the wing because it's just blending with side of the body of the plane, since we were both but not quite level with one another."
At this point the witness is able to get a good look at the object.
"Then I notice that the top extending back is a brilliant, reflective silver and the bottom from the middle of the craft to the front of the craft is black. Like two entirley different materials. In the middle where the two metals meet, but more on the silver side, is small, rectangular-like, black squares (not windows) horizontally in a line. I notice these because I'm intent on looking for a wing."
The witness also noticed that the object appears not to be moving, but instead is hovering.
"It's still - just sitting. It's not banking or turning, not descending, and we are starting to kind of pull ahead of it, which I thought was strange. At this point is where I start to question, what am I seeing?"
The woman said she looked away from the object for only a moment to talk to her husband, and when she looked back, the object was gone.
"I turned my head long enough to say, "of course I'm listening" and immediately I look back out my window. Gone. I had only looked away mere seconds and it was gone. Completely gone. No vapor trail, no.....nothing. I looked up through our sun roof, took off my seat belt and turned to look out the back windows - the rear windows. It's nowhere. It just disappeared."
At that same moment, the woman said her charged cell phone beeped.
"Thinking that one of my children texted me, I picked up my phone to find out it was completely dead. I charge my phone while I'm sleeping and last night was no different. I unplugged it from the charger just before my husband and I walked out of the house and at this point it had only been on for about an hour or so. It was so dead that that I couldn't even get it to come on for a brief second. When I got it home and plugged it into the charger it was so dead that I couldn't get it to come on right away."
No images or videos were included with the MUFON report, which was filed on September 16, 2012. Bloomingon is a city in McLean County, IL, population 76,610.
Original report from
Bloomington, IL, September 16, 2012 - Driving W on rt 150 observed skinny cigar shaped object from passenger window of car.
"First I want to say I am an open skeptic on the subject of UFOs and have never filled one of these things out, so bear with me. Another point I want to make is, for the last 36 years I have lived with the Bloomington Normal Airport in my backyard. Literally. I am VERY familiar with all the flight times and types of aircraft using our airport. So that being said, I know what the AA, Frontier jets look like including Military, private lear jets and helis as well. Every Saturday and Sunday Morning for the last almost 30 years my husband and I will go for a country drive. This morning was no different. It was beautiful clear blue sky with just a few wispy white clouds out far on the horizon. You know, the long thin like clouds that you can see through. No clouds overhead. We were on our way back home driving West on rt 150. We had just left the Freedom gas station on the corner of Towanda/Barnes Rd and 150. I glance at the time on the car clock, its 10:38 am I have a breakfast casserole to put in the oven when we get home and I was trying to figure when I would have it done. We were maybe a quarter to half mile down the road from the Freedom station. Driving about 40mph. The terrain in my opinion are soft gradual hills. State Farm South could easily be seen along with water tower and such out my passenger window. My husband was driving and we were having a discussion about the upcoming presidential election when for some reason I happened to look away from him and out of my passenger window and up just a bit. Just above the horizon and power lines was what I thought was a plane. It was between State Farm South and 150. Which at this particular area is not uncommon, were close to the airport and at this spot is where the planes bank their turns to make their descent to the runway. My husband is still talking but I am transfixed to this "plane". At this point ufo is not even in my thought process. I am just trying to figure out why I cant see the wing and what type of new plane it is, it was so skinny, oblong and reflective. Then I determine that we are almost parallel and I must not be able to see the wing because its just blending with side of the body of the plane, since we were both but not quite level with one another. Then I notice that the top extending back is a brilliant reflective silver and the bottom from the middle of the craft to the front of the craft is black. Like two entirely different materials. In the middle where the two metals meet but more on the silver side is small rectangular like black squares (not windows) horizontally in a line. I notice these because Im intent on looking for a wing. Then I also notice its not making any progress. Its still. just. sitting. Its not banking or turning, not descending, and we are starting to kind of pull ahead of it, which I thought was strange. At this point is where I start to question, what am I seeing. Just then my husband states "arent you listening to me?" I turned my head long enough to say, "of course Im listening" and immediately I look back out my window. GONE. I had only looked away mere seconds and it was gone. Completely gone. No vapor trail, no.....nothing. I looked up through our sun roof, took off my seatbelt and turned to look out the back windows, rear windows. Its no where. It just disappeared. At that moment I thought to myself, did I just see a ufo and then I heard my phone beep twice. I keep it in the armrest of the passenger door of the car. Thinking that one of my children texted me, I picked up my phone to find out it was completely dead. I charge my phone while Im sleeping and last night was no different. I unplugged it from the charger just before my husband and I walked out of the house and at this point had only been on for about an hour or so. It was so dead that that I couldnt even get it to come on for brief second. When I got it home and plugged it into the charger it was so dead that I couldnt get it to come on right away. I never said anything to my husband, I didnt want him to think I was losing it. Honestly, I dont know what I saw, but it was big and then it was gone and then my phone did something its never done before. I could draw a picture of it but Im not too savvy with the computer and I dont know how to add it. I just had to tell someone".
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Cigar UFO reported hovering over Indiana town just 'disappeared'
Cigar UFO reported hovering over Indiana town just 'disappeared'
Tags :
Freedom Gas Station,
McLean County,
Normal Airport,
Towanda Barnes Road,
Related : Cigar UFO reported hovering over Indiana town just 'disappeared'
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