Reality show offers 10 MIllion dollars if you find the real bigfoot

It's time to really find out if Bigfoot truly exists with the LARGEST CASH PRIZE IN TELEVISION HISTORY. Spike is raising the stakes something serious in the endless quest to discover the truth about the legendary creature known as Bigfoot, the seemingly mythical being that roams forests of the world, avoiding mankind.

We here at SPIKE have announced a new one-hour reality show, "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," featuring ambitious teams of explorers on a brazen exhibition to unearth real evidence of Bigfoot's existence. The "10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty" is a new competitive reality show features various teams of explorers on a quest to answer the question of whether Big Foot truly lives. The $10 million in cash, underwritten by Lloyd's of London, would be the LARGEST CASH PRIZE IN TELEVISION HISTORY.

"10 Million Dollar Bigfoot Bounty," which will feature scientists, zoologists, seasoned trackers, and actual Bigfoot hunters who all believe in the infamous creature's existence. The teams will be faced with the daunting task of proving to a group of experts that Bigfoot, the hairy ape-like sasquatch, exists with the irrefutable evidence. The winner will be the first team to secure proof – and win the unprecedented $10 million bounty.

Each episode will follow the different teams as they ply their extensive research and presumed knowledge of the legendary creature, often battling nature's inhospitable conditions.

Updates about the show will become available at as they happen.

Source: Spike TV

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