Alien-like spacecraft passes in front of Moon (video)

A giant alien-like spacecraft was observed passing in front of the moon on 13 July, 2014, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily. The website, UFO Sightings Daily, is coordinated by Scott C. Waring. He had been affiliated with the United States Air Force at SAC base (USAF flight line). He currently owns an ESL School in Taiwan. 

In this report, Scott Waring has published images of the UFO, along with an eyewitness report and a YouTube video.

Mr. Waring tells us when this UFO was captured.

“This is an interesting catch of the super moon seen this week.”

He describes the UFO as a black circle and says that it was passing between the moon and the Earth.

“A black circle moves silently across the moon. It doesn't look to be flying over the surface of the moon, but to be passing between the moon and the Earth.” 

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Related : Alien-like spacecraft passes in front of Moon (video)

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