LOUISVILLE, KY (WAVE) - Our destination was a Victorian home in the quiet town of Mitchell, Indiana - 3,700 square feet with crystal chandeliers, four poster beds and stained glass. No one lives in the stately home now, but the residence is never empty.
Owner Van Renier explains,”Every house has a story and this one will haunt you.”
Numerous deaths occurred within its walls. The Travel Channel has given the house the distinction of being the 4th most haunted place in the country. The disembodied voices guest experience so frequently lead to the name Whispers Estate.
“Whether we understand it or not we're experiencing something,” Renier said.
“When you hear the footsteps you pray that they are a child’s footsteps. They're little pitter-patter of feet maybe about 70-80 lbs. However there's another set of footsteps that happens in the house. It's more like loud stomping. It's very heavy and very menacing,” Renier says about the home.
The menacing footsteps are believed to be demonic or that of past owner Dr. John Gibbons. The home was not only the site of Dr. John’s medical practice, but home to his wife Jessie and their many adopted and orphaned children. Jessie died in the home and it is believed at least two of their children died in the home as well.
“We have a confirmed record of six deaths in the house. That doesn't include any possible patients that might have died in the 27 years Dr. John had his medical practice in the house,” Renier stressed.
The branch of Historic Archives for Mitchell, Indiana, could not document the number of patients that may have died in the home, however, they could not dismiss accounts of body parts that may have been buried in the Estate's yard after amputations or abortions. No one can explain who opens the doors, bites, scratches or pushes when there is no one and nothing in sight.
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Owner of 'haunted' Indiana home doesn't fear the dead (video)
Owner of 'haunted' Indiana home doesn't fear the dead (video)
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